
by Kate Mazariegos

Kate & Waverly Interiors “officially” started in July of 2021, but I like to say it started much earlier than that, perhaps around 1993. Around the age of four, I can vividly remember studying the mural on my grandmother’s dining room wall, and running my hands over the wallpaper at my aunt’s house tracing the lines and following the curves. I loved looking at old houses with my dad, and being his helper around the house when he would renovate different rooms. 

When I was five, I helped my mom pick out the wallpaper, paint color, and bathroom fixtures in our house and being incredibly proud of my accomplishment. When we moved in fourth grade, I came home incredibly upset one day to find my mom had packed up my entire closet. I was really looking forward to packing so that I could organize the boxes and their contents just how I wanted them. Starting in middle school, I would draw out detailed house plans in my free time. So really, interiors have been a passion of mine since toddlerhood.

I strongly believe in the impact that our spaces have on our well-being and contentment as human beings. We want to have spaces that reflect who we are, while helping us be the best version of ourselves we strive to be. Spaces that feel good. Spaces that help us to feel better when we come home tired, stressed, or anxious. You’ve heard it a million times, but it’s true—a home should be your reprieve and safe haven from the craziness that our world can be. This includes not only great design, but organization as well.

This is not to say your home will be, or even should be, picture-perfect 24/7/365 days a week. It won’t. Especially if you have kids and an active life! I am not an advocate for perfection or unrealistic expectations that we sometimes place on ourselves. Your house will be messy at times. Your house will see it’s far share of toys strewn about, or laundry sitting in a corner. But it feels better when you a) have a beautiful, well-functioning backdrop that you love and that reflects yourself and your family, and b) have a place and organization plan for everything. Then, once the mess-making is done, or the crazy week with your in-laws in over, things can be easily returned back to their places and your house back to it’s calm.

And that’s truly my goal here—not just to make pretty interiors, but to create interiors that feel like you, that allow you to live your life as it is, with spaces that function well throughout.

For more information about the services I offer, please go to “services” on the homepage menu.